Hard worked reaching the summit of Mt Fuji, after exploring for half an hour, it's time to prepare for the descent.…
On this journey around Mount Fuji, we played around the mountain every day and our excitement and anticipation grew as …
In 2016, I accomplished an unforgettable feat: successfully climbing to the summit of Japan's highest peak, Mount F…
墨爾本周邊幾乎全是平地,想登高遠足的話必須開車到較遠的地方,剛過去的週末發現了一個非常值得推薦郊遊好去處,位置方便、有景觀而且有丁點挑戰性(難度)的路線。 [澳洲] 墨爾本行山好去處 - 淘金小鎮 Warrandyte
趁天氣仍未熱起來,追逐冬季清涼通爽的天氣,來到一個離墨爾本市區不遠、輕鬆容易、又適合一年四季都適合行山路線 - Mathias Track [澳洲] 墨爾本行山好去處 Mathias Track
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